Ha Mim. These Isolated Letters mark the opening of seven Surahs. These Surahs are named ale-Ha Mim, or Hawamim and to give each a separate identity symbolic words are suffixed. For instance, Ha Mim Momin, Ha Mim Sajdah or Ha Mim Fusilat, the last two being the well known names of this Surah.
The infidels were proud of their knowledge and had founded their tenets, culture and social system upon it like the preceding nations. The Holy Prophet-SW was presenting a totally new and unique set of beliefs whereby not only their ideology was to be changed but also their entire social system including politics and judiciary. So they resorted to denial. They realized their mistake only once Divine punishment was unleashed, but the time to repent had been lost. Allaah-SWT declares that the Arabs and the Makkans also suffer from the same disease as the preceding nations. The cure is this Book, a blessing from the Most Beneficent Allaah-SWT . This trove of Mercy, abounding in knowledge, beyond an iota of doubt, is revealed by the Most Merciful and the Most Beneficent, Who despite their denial is being very kind to them. It elaborates each and every issue and has been revealed in Arabic to facilitate understanding by the primary recipients and to honour them with opportunity of conveying it to others. Of course, it benefits only knowledgeable.
Knowledge and the Knowledgeable
Knowledge has different levels. If what is known is not true, it will not be knowledge. Mere knowing is not enough , rather, what is known must be based truth. It must become a part and parcel of one's conduct and reflect in every overt and covert action. Such a person will be the real scholar, the knowledgeable. On the contrary, merely knowing something will fall under the category information, to which belonged the knowledge of the infidels they were so boastful about. They knew how to make money and safeguard their interests. Basically all their information was based on falsehood whereby they usurped the rights others and employed unlawful means to acquire livelihood and power. The Quran declared them as ignorant, despite their pride in their knowledge. Though revealed in their mother tongue, yet it will benefit only the knowledgeable-those who possess or seek real knowledge.
It does not merely indicate the paths; rather it expounds realities to the extent of covering the consequences of actions. To those who act piously are given the glad tidings of success, while the deniers are informed of a formidable sequel. Yet most of the infidels turn away as if they were deaf. Rather, they claim that their hearts are draped and their ears plugged, and a screen stands between them and the Holy Prophet-SW. What he-SW is inviting them to is a separate world while where they live in is altogether different. They expect the Holy Prophet-SW to continue practicing his-SW own way while leaving them alone to follow theirs.
Allah-SWT asks the Holy Prophet-SW to tell these infidels that he-SW is a human being just like them and not an angel to have a different set of requirements. His-SW physical needs are the same as theirs. The difference is that Allaah-SWT blessed him-SW with revelation and entrusted him-SW with a Message for them. This Message requires them to give up living according to their whims, and abandon the social systems they have devised, because all of them are based on falsehood. They must concede to the Magnificence of Allah-SWT, His-SWT Unity and His-SWT Divinity, and as a token become practically veracious and upright. Moreover, they must seek His-SWT forgiveness for all the errors they committed in the past. And woe be unto these polytheists that they do not spend their wealth in the Cause of Allaah-SWT !
Is a Non-Believer Obliged to Obey Divine Command?
The question arising here is whether or not a non-believer is obliged to pay Zakat or perform other worships? A group of scholars concedes while the other contends that this liability begins only after embracing Islam. And when their attention is drawn to the non payment of Zakat mentioned here, they explain that it is with reference to the cause of their infidelity.
Islamic Economy and the Ungodly Systems
The very essence of an Islamic Economic System is to safeguard the rights of its subjects and to help them. A Muslim lives for others and is always ready to help them ideologically, intellectually and monetarily. The most difficult of all these actions is to part with one's money. If a person is obsessed by a want of money and seeks to plunder others, he is guilty of not fulfilling his responsibilities. In words, the lust for wealth was one of the reasons for the infidels' persistence on denial. The same curse is drifting the Muslims away from practical Islam today. They do not care to lslamize their system because it involves sacrifice, while the ungodly system allows them to usurp others' rights.
Surely, all those who believe in this Book and reform their conduct accordingly will be rewarded eternally without interruption. The blessings of Jannah are permanent and enduring. However, if due to some compelling circumstances such as sickness a practicing Muslim fails to perform his duty, his record of deeds shall still be compiled to reflect as if he performed it.